Ontario Car Window Tint Laws

Modifying your vehicle according to your like and current trends is not a new concept. People have been modifying their vehicles, from wrapping cars and altering the wheels to playing with the lights as a style statement. Likewise, window tinting is also a common choice people opt for to give their vehicle a new look and also for safety and privacy reasons. If you plan to get your car’s window tinted, knowing the rules and regulations about the modification will only help you.

In Canada, the laws pertaining to vehicle modifications may differ as per the state. In this article, we’ll discuss the Ontario window tint laws, so if you’re an Ontario resident, you can make an informed decision accordingly.

As per the law, the vehicle owner can tint the front window up to 30% dark and tint the rear windows as they choose. However, the windshield should not be tinted. When purchasing a new vehicle, you don’t have to worry about the window tints as the manufacturers adhere to the legally permissible window tint Ontario law number. However, if you’re purchasing a secondhand vehicle with tinted windows, checking it before you buy is advised to ensure it complies with the car tint laws of Ontario.

Even if you’re a skilled and cautious rider, riding on the road has dangers and unforeseen risks. And to protect you and the pedestrians from any harm, the state sets laws to ensure the safety of its citizens. Likewise, the window tinting laws in Ontario are in place for your welfare. If you’ve tinted your windows dark, it will affect your visibility, making it difficult to gauge your surroundings. Since your visibility when driving is hampered by that, the chances of you getting into accidents or road mishaps increase.

Secondly, the window tint laws are also for the benefit of the police officers- specifically, the traffic police- to do their job correctly. For instance, if the police cannot get a clear view of the driver and passengers inside the vehicle because of the heavy window tint. In that case, they can’t determine whether the people inside are safe or wearing seatbelts and following the rules to maintain road safety. It is not just for the traffic officer to make you follow the law but also for your safety. Also, tinted vehicles could be the perfect escape cover for criminals trying to escape from being seen by CCTV cameras and police officers. Thus, window tint laws are established to maintain the security and safety of people on the road and inside vehicles.

Now that we have given a brief rundown of Ontario window tinting laws and highlighted that it is for your safety on the road, let’s look at the criteria for window tinting established by the law.

According to Ontario’s law, it prohibits aftermarket tinting on the windshield. The Original Equipment Manufacturer and factory-made windows are permitted to make windshields with a 30% Visible Light Transmission (VLT) strip, and the tint should not exceed 7.5 centimeters in height from the top of the windshield. Thus, you must not add the tint to your windshield, or you will be fined for violating Ontario law.

According to vehicle inspection regulations, 70% VLT or higher is permissible for the front side window, ensuring a vehicle passes inspection if the front side windows allow more than 70% light transmittance. If you’re planning to get your front window tinted, run a proper inspection to make sure that the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) window isn’t tinted.

The law in Ontario does not state a fixed percentage on the tint you’re allowed to do with your rear windows. You can tint as per your preference only if the vehicle has the left and right rear-view mirrors.

Ontario window tint laws are strictly enforced for the safety of the people inside the vehicle and on the road. However, certain exceptional cases exempt one from abiding by the stringent law, such as:

A medical exemption is provided in cases where the person has a medical condition sensitive to UV rays or sunlight. In such cases, a person can seek a permit from the Ministry of Transportation to exceed the legal limit for window tinting. Only once the Ministry of Transportation approves you can tint the windows accordingly. Also, remember to carry documentation to validate your medical issues.

Authorized law enforcement vehicles, including police cars and other emergency service vehicles, are guaranteed exemption from window tinting regulations. The exemption is given on the basis to accommodate operational needs and to ensure safety measures. Personal or commercial vehicles don’t fall into this category.

If you violate the window tint law in Ontario, you’ll be subjected to a traffic violation ticket and fine. If your vehicle’s windows exceed the lawful tint level, the traffic police and law authorized can charge you a fine anywhere from $85 to $500. You may also be charged additional surcharges and fees depending on the severity of your violation. It can also lead to demerit points on the driver’s driving records, which might result in their license getting suspended.

In addition to the legal fines, unlawful window tint may cause challenges during vehicle inspections and licensing of the vehicles. Likewise, selling or transferring ownership of vehicles with illegal window tints will add complexity to the purchase and lead to delays or rejections.

If you have a vehicle purchased before the July 2016 Ontario window tint law was introduced and are worried that your car doesn’t abide by the new law, you can breathe a sigh of relief. If your vehicle is manufactured before January 1, 2017, and your windows are tinted, the new window tint law doesn’t apply to your car. If purchasing a vehicle manufactured after January 1, 2017, you must adhere to Ontario’s new window tint law.

If you’re about to purchase a new vehicle with tinted windows or a secondhand car with tinted windows, you should inspect if the window tint complies with the law. Although the car manufacturer/dealership will follow the state law for window tinting, double-checking from your end will give you the extra surety that you’re breaking the law. Also, when buying a secondhand car, being 100% sure the window tint meets the legal standard is a must. Here are the steps you can follow to ensure the tint at the legal amount:

  • Use a tint meter or download an app to measure the tint on your phone.
  • Roll down the window of your car halfway.
  • Position the meter on the window by smoothly lowering it down the partially opened window.
  • The meter will display the percentage or opacity rating of your window tint.

Note: The meter may have specific guidelines for carrying out the testing procedure.

If you’re worried about the impact car window tinting has on your insurance, then we have happy news for you. In Ontario, you can get your windows tinted without beaching the insurance. It must act in accordance with the rules and regulations as per Ontario window tint law. Upon the vehicle inspection, if your front window and windshield are tinted within the 30% mark, then it’s of no issue. However, if you’re visiting other states and the window tint laws differ, you’ll be subject to a window tint ticket, affecting your insurance.

Window tinting is done not just to elevate the look of your car, but it also holds several strong reasons why getting the windows tinted is beneficial. Since Ontario province allows vehicle owners to tint their windows within the legal standard, getting your window tinted in Ontario shouldn’t be a hassle. Let’s look at the reasons why you should contact your windows tinted in Ontario:

  • Tinting the window of your vehicle makes it difficult for thieves and carjackers to get a clear vision of the insides of your car when it’s parked. Thus, it reduces break-ins and robberies.
  • Blocking the visibility of your vehicles with window tint adds to your privacy.
  • If you’re sensitive to light or UV rays, window tint acts as a barrier of protection by limiting sunlight exposure.
  • Add to the aesthetic look of your vehicle.
  • Minimizes the damage or degradation of the interiors of your vehicle because of prolonged exposure to sunlight